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[BGM] 베트남으로 달림.

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날 베트남으로 보낸 대통령을 쏴죽일 오스왈드가 필요하다는 해병의 패기.jpg

BGM정보 : 브금저장소 - http://bgmstore.net/view/xbVTI

이미지도 올려 둘테니 필요하시면 아래에서 받아가시면 됩니다. 헤헤헤.

소장하고 있는 베트남 관련 사진들을 싹 정리해보니 제가 가진거 다 합치면 180장을 왔다갔다 하더군요. 흠좀무. 아무래도 모니터 터지는 짤은 세월이 세월이라 그런지 구하기 힘드네요.

헬기에 매달린 것 같진 않은데... 저 사진에 얽힌 사연 아시는 분?(사연 사연 하니까 무슨 슈퍼스타K같기도 하고...;)

전쟁과 사랑에 대한 상반된 견해(?)

시 울프 - SEAL과 더불어 당대 해군 또라이 삼대장의 한 축 답다는 생각밖에...;;; 

베트남 농가에 폭격을 피하기 위한 대피호는 흔한 것이었습니다.

다만 패트롤나간 병사들이 콩 땅굴 발견했다고 들어가서 안에 있던 비상식량 꺼내다가 VC 식량이라고 싹 불질러놓고 가니 그게 문제였죠.

"제군들, 이번 성탄절은 집에서 보낼 수 있을 것이다!" - 매년 겨울 미군들의 발목을 잡은 윗대가리들의 개드립.


어느 여성 종군기자의 죽음.

수 많은 언론인들에 베트남땅에 와서 많이들 죽어나갔죠.

하지만 그렇게 취재해온 내용들의 상당수는 결과적으로 미군의 베트남 패전에 일조하는 꼴이 되었으니, 참 뭐시기 하네요.

하지만 목숨을 아끼지 않고 현장에 뛰어들었던 저 직업정신은 존경스럽습니다.

동시기에 베트남땅에 와서 정훈장교 따라다니며 '액션영화'찍어가던 우리네 기자들을 씹어대던 '하얀전쟁'의 한 대목이 생각나는군요.


The average age of a soldier in many units here is 18-and-a-half. And what a man he is! A pink-cheeked tousled-haired, tight-muscled fellow who under normal circumstances, would be considered by society as half man, half boy, not yet dry behind the ears, a path in the unemployment chart.
But, here and now, he is the beardless hope of free men.
He is for the most part unmarried and without material possessions except for possibly an old car at home and a transistor radio here.
He listens to rock and roll--and 105mm Howitzers.
He just got out of high school within the past year, received so-so grades, played a little football, and had a girl that broke up with him when he went overseas or swears she is still faithful although he is half the world away.
He has learned to like beer by now because it is cold and the thing to do. He smokes because he gets free cigarettes in his C rations package and it is also the thing to do. He is a private first class. A one-year military veteran with one more to go. His eyes are clear but his future is not.
He never cared to much for work, preferred waxing his own car to washing his father's, but he is now 10 or 20 pounds lighter than before because he is working or fighting from dawn to dark, often longer.
He still has trouble spelling, and writing letters home is a painful process. But he can break down a rifle in 30 seconds and put it back together in 29. He can describe the nomenclature of a fragmentation grenade, explain how a machine gun operates and of course, use either if the need arises.
He can also dig foxholes, apply professional first aid to a wounded companion, march until he is told to stop or until he his told to march.
He obeys now, without hesitation. But he is not broken.
He has seen more suffering then he should have in his short life. He has stood amoung hills of bodies and he has helped to construct those hills.
He has wept in private and in public, and he has not been ashamed either place, because his pals have fallen in battle and he has come close to joining them.
And he has become self-sufficient, he has two pairs of fatigues, washing one and wearing the other. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but not his rifle. He keeps his socks dry and his canteen full. He cooks his own meals, fixes his own hurts and mends his own rips-material or mental.
He will share his water with you if you thirst, break his rations in half if you hunger, split his ammunition if you are fighting for your life.
He can do the work of two civilians, draw half the pay of one and find ironie humor in it all. He has learned to use his hands as a weapon and his weapon as hands. He can save a life, or most assuredly take one.
Eighteen-and-a-half years old.
What a man he is!

By Tom Tiede
Chinh Tams, Vietnam (NEA)

이 사진의 뒷이야기에 대해선 아시는 분들이 너무 많으니 제가 이야기할 필요는 없겠죠?





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minki 2013.09.26. 17:40
귀한 사진 좋은 사진이 많습니다. 자료 감사 합니다 이 당시 전쟁하고 요즘 전쟁하고 보면 왠지 정감은 이쪽이 더 가는 듯 합니다.
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22nd 글쓴이 2013.09.26. 20:04
일단 들고다니는 총 부터가 친숙하지요. 그냥 구글링해서 여기저기 발품 팔았을 뿐인데 감사합니다.

댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다. 로그인

취소 댓글 등록


"님의 댓글"

이 댓글을 신고하시겠습니까?

댓글 삭제

"님의 댓글"



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