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0800062 - Starfish Prime Test Interim Report by Commander JTF-8; Fishbowl Auroral Sequences - Silent; Dominic on Fishbowl Phenomenon -Silent; Fishbowl XR Summary - Silent - 1962 - 1:01:25 - Black&White and Color - Four Films on One Video

Starfish Prime Test Interim Report by Commander JTF-8 - 7:45 - Sound - STARFISH PRIME, was one of the high-altitude nuclear tests in the Operation Fishbowl series conducted in the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. It was launched in the Johnston Island area to an altitude of about 400 kilometers by a Thor rocket and had a yield of 1.4 megatons.

The test evaluated the capabilities of an antiballistic missile to operate in a nuclear environment and the vulnerability of a U.S. reentry vehicle to survive a nearby nuclear blast. It also provided information on the ability of a U.S. radar system to detect and track reentry vehicles. Another goal was to discern the effects of a high-altitude blast on command and control systems, which were shown to be vulnerable in earlier high-altitude tests. The final goal was to obtain information on the feasibility of testing in outer space.

Fishbowl Auroral Sequences - 7:50 - Color - Silent - BLUEGILL and STARFISH were high-altitude nuclear tests, part of Operation Fishbowl, conducted in the Johnston Island area of the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. These tests produced auroral effects, a special feature of explosions where the extreme brightness of the fireball is visible at great distances. Within a second or two after the burst, a brilliant aurora appears from the bottom of the fireball.

The formation of the aurora is attributed to the motion, along the lines of the earths magnetic field, of beta particles emitted by the radioactive fission fragments. About a minute after the detonation, the aurora could be observed in the Samoan Islands, 2000 miles from the detonation. These auroras could be seen for approximately 20 minutes. The video shows footage of the auroras from Somoa, Mauna Loa (Hawaiian Islands) and Tongtapu (Tonga Islands) at various film speeds.

Dominic on Fishbowl Phenomenon - 1:12 - Color - Silent - Operation Fishbowl was the high-altitude testing portion of a larger Operation Dominic I. This video is a compilation of footage of the five nuclear tests comprising Operation Fishbowl conducted in the Johnston Island area of the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. A high-altitude burst is one occurring above 100,000 feet. The video does not identify the date, time or name of the tests.

When a nuclear weapon detonates at a high altitude, many of the effects are attenuated. Most of the x-ray energy is absorbed in the air, which decreases the fireball temperature. Absorption of thermal x-ray energy also decreases the energy available for a shock wave. This all results in the development of a toroidal or donut-shaped cloud instead of the usual mushroom shape of ground or near ground explosions.

This also shows the auroral effect of high-altitude explosions where the extreme brightness of the fireball is visible at great distances. Within a second or two after the burst, a brilliant aurora appears from the bottom of the fireball. The formation of the aurora is attributed to the motion, along the lines of the earths magnetic field, of beta particles emitted by the radioactive fission fragments. About a minute after the detonation, the aurora can be observed from as far away as 2000 miles. These auroras can be seen for approximately 20 minutes.

Fishbowl XR Summary - 34:38 - Black&White - Silent - The video shows the five, rocket-launched, Operation Fishbowl tests at various camera speeds and from different camera locations. Operation Fishbowl was the Department of Defenses high-altitude testing portion of Operation Dominic I, conducted in the Johnston Island area of the Pacific Proving Ground in 1962. In a high-altitude blast, many of the effects are attenuated, resulting in a toroidal or donut-shaped cloud instead of the mushroom cloud from a surface burst. These weapons-effects tests, launched by Strypi, Thor, and Nike Hercules rockets, were as follows:

STARFISH PRIME, July 9, 400-kilometer altitude, 1.4 megaton
CHECKMATE, October 20, tens of kilometers altitude, low (less than 20 kt)
BLUEGILL 3 PRIME, October 26, tens of kilometers altitude, submegaton (less than 1 Mt, but more than 200 kt)
KINGFISH, November 1, tens of kilometers altitude; submegaton (less than 1 Mt, but more than 200 kt)
TIGHTROPE, November 4, tens of kilometers altitude, low (less than 20 kt)
Two goals of these tests were to determine if radiation and blast and heat effects of high- altitude detonations were capable of neutralizing an enemy reentry vehicle and capable of determining the blackout effects on radar and communications of various yields and altitudes of bursts.

영상 설명이구요 옆동내 B사이트에서 핵EMP 실증에 대해 말이 많길래 찾아보다가 흥미로운 영상을 찾아서 올립니다.

고도 400 km 에서 1.4Mt, 200, 20kt 핵실험을 했다네요.

간략하게 보면 재돌입체 요격을 위해 우주에서 핵을 터트리자 인데. 안타갑게도(?) 재돌입체는 아무 손상없이 돌입했다고 합니다.(무려 1.4메가톤인데도 불구하구요)

제가 곧 자야되서 다는 못 봤는데. 레이더 시스탬 마비라던지 전력망 손상 같은 핵EMP에 관한 내용은 잘 모르겟군요.



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폴라리스 2015.01.12. 08:03
대기중에 방사선을 저리 뿌려대다니....ㅎㄷㄷ
eceshim 글쓴이 2015.01.12. 08:30
고도 400km 면 국제 우주정거장인 ISS 궤도입니다. ㄷㄷㄷ
지상 방사선 보다는 베타파로 인한 EMP를 걱정해야 할 것 같습니다.
다만 바뻐서 다는 못봤는데 아우라만 나고 실질적인 EMP 효과는 생각보다 작은것 같습니다.
효과를 볼려면 궤도를 내려야 하는것 같습니다. 한 100여 킬로미터 정도.
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폴라리스 2015.01.12. 09:01
여기에 네브라스카 300 마일 상공에서 핵(위력은 모르겠네요) 이 터졌을때 EMP 영향도 가 나옵니다. 시나리오는 북극을 거쳐서 날아온 핵을 상정한거구요.
전체적으로 보면 EMP의 위력은 폭발 지점에서 밖으로 갈수록 약해진다....네요.
eceshim 글쓴이 2015.01.14. 03:24
전자기파는 거리에 제곱에 반비례하니까요. 어지간하게 강한 출력 아니면 EMP 효과 보기 어렵죠.
그져 노이즈에 불과 한 결과도 나올 수도 있죠.
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폴라리스 2015.01.14. 03:31
우리에 대한 북의 핵 EMP에 대한 리포트를 한번 찾아봐야 겠네요.
eceshim 글쓴이 2015.01.14. 03:40
좀 된 자료인데요
제 대학교 은사님께서 정부 과제로 핵EMP 관련 시뮬레이션 및 연구 결과를 정부 보고서로 낸적이 있거든요.
이게 그 문서입니다.
참고하셔도 좋을 것 같네요


요건 한전 연구소의 EMP 대책 방법 자료구요.

댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다. 로그인

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이 댓글을 신고하시겠습니까?

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"님의 댓글"



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