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미 공군, HAWC 극초음속 미사일 비행시험 성공

아르마타 588


출처 https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2021-09-27


 미 공군이 극초음속 공기흡입 무기(HAWC) 자유 비행시험에 성공 했다네요.


 속도는 마하 5고 산소가 풍부한 대기권에서 잘 작동 된다 하구요.



 DARPA’S Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) Achieves Successful Flight




 DARPA, in partnership with the U.S. Air Force, completed a free flight test of its

Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC) last week. 

 The missile, built by Raytheon Technologies, was released from an aircraft seconds

before its Northrop Grumman scramjet engine kicked on. The engine compressed

incoming air mixed with its hydrocarbon fuel and began igniting that fast-moving

airflow mixture, propelling the cruiser at a speed greater than Mach 5.


 The HAWC vehicle operates best in oxygen-rich atmosphere, where speed and

maneuverability make it difficult to detect in a timely way.


 Goals of the mission were: vehicle integration and release sequence, safe separation

from the launch aircraft, booster ignition and boost, booster separation and engine

ignition, and cruise. All primary test objectives were met.


 The HAWC flight test data will help validate affordable system designs and manufacturing

approaches that will field air-breathing hypersonic missiles to our warfighters in the near future.



 사진 출처  https://www.darpa.mil/news-events/2021-09-27


극초음속 공기 흡입 무기.png




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