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인도네시아, 이미 한국과 KF-X 250기 양산 확정?

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최근 아시아투데이를 통해 다음과 같은 기사가 떴었죠.

인도네시아, 한국과 합작 공격용 전투기 생산한다.
오는 2020년까지 50대 공급 목표…F16보다 성능 개선된 전투기


문득 어떤 기사를 인용했나 궁금했길래 찾아봤더니... 여기 있었네요. 아 물론 저는 인도네시아어를 할 줄 모르니 구글느님의 힘을 빌렸습니다. 어디까지나 번역기 돌린 글이다 보니 원문의 뉘앙스와 정확히 일치하지 않을 수 있습니다 (대충 살펴봐도 번역 퀄리티가 딱히 좋진 않네요). 강조 표시는 제 임의로 붙혔음을 밝힙니다.

(Translated via Google Translate): http://finance.detik.com/read/2014/05/21/080655/2587848/1036/jet-tempur-made-in-indonesia-diproduksi-massal-mulai-2022?991104topnews

Jet Fighter Made in Indonesia Bulk Produced in 2022

Jakarta-Indonesia and South Korea are developing a jet fighter. The program is named Korean Fighter Experiment / Indonesian Fighter Experiment (KFX / IFX). 

For the Indonesian version of the IFX named. To develop and produce this 4.5 generation fighter, it takes at least 8 years. Program KFX / IFX or fighter F-16 competitor, from development to production table will take 8 years or it could be mass produced by 2022 as planned. 

"To make it normal military aircraft 8 years. Moreover, small-scale ordinary fighter plane that just 4 years. Production in 2022. Prototype should fly in 2020. Was already flying. It was for the 2 countries, "said President Director of PT Air Indonesia (Persero) Budi Santoso to detikFinance when met at the Parliament Building, Jakarta, as quoted on Wednesday (05/21/2014). 

IFX fighter Indonesian version will be developed and produced at PT DI facility in Bandung, West Java. In this year, will enter Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD). This phase 1-year retreat of schedule. 

Prior to EMD, Indonesian engineers to study and prepare for technology readiness and human resource fighter. 

"I should have started in 2013 but pushed back one year to 2014 due to the change of president in South Korea," he said. 

Budi explained, aircraft technology KFX / IFX will adopt the 4.5 generation aircraft or aircraft superior to the F16. However, development costs are much cheaper. 

"So the inn, looking for more advanced aircraft than the F16 but our target is cheaper than the F16. Something we like it, "sbeutnya. 

Prototype or prototype IFX / KFX be lifted up from 2020. Then 2 years later entered a new phase of mass production. May call Indonesian Budi perform advanced development because the aircraft must be adapted to the geographical conditions and the threat to Indonesia. The adjustment process can take 1 to 2 years. 

"All weapons systems must be adapted to the conditions of their own countries. Is the enemy, geographical or his condition. What happened in Korea it different in Indonesia. He is a continent surrounded by ocean while our country, "he explained. 

Budi explained that to meet the needs of the Indonesian military, F16 fighter competitors will be produced approximately 50 units. Production process and delivery of the aircraft will begin running from 2022 to 2030. Consequently fighter development program faced many times the change of government 

"It's changing the president many times as we see it completed delivery of the last aircraft may 2030. Was from 2022 but if you add another yes continue," he said. 


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