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러시아 특수전부대: 겉모습과 현실

Mojave 2517






Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated members of the country’s Special Operations Forces (SOF) on their professional day, February 27 (inaugurated in 2015), underscoring this service’s instrumentality in the “eradication of terrorists in Syria and securing peace in Crimea and Sevastopol during the historical referendum [sic]” (TASS, February 27). Russia took its first concrete steps toward creating a stand-alone SOF in 2009 (on the basis of the Special Purpose Center “Senezh”); but as a coherent structure, this entity only appeared in March 2013, while the first tactical exercises involving the SOF were conducted in the Elbrus mountains in April 2013 (Mil.ru, April 29, 2013). The Russian SOF does not fall under any of the pre-existing branches/ arms of Russian armed forces or the non-military special services. And unlike other types of Russian special forces, or Spetsnaz (such as Alpha Group or Vympel), the Special Operations Forces are “not small special groups of highly qualified professionals, but large army-type structures comprised of professionals of the highest quality.” As a separate force (directly subordinated to the General Staff), the SOF requires no “nod of approval from other armed forces branches” (RIA Novosti, February 27, 2018)—a perpetual problem various Spetsnaz units have had to deal with in Soviet/Russian regional conflicts.



러시아 블라디미르 푸틴 대통령은 2 27 특수부대의 날에 "시리아에서 테러단체를 몰살시키고 크림반도에 평화를 지킨자국 특전요원들의 업적을 칭찬하였다러시아는 독립적인 특수전부대를 창설하기 위해 2009 'Senezh' 특수전 교육센터를 건설함으로써  발을 내딛었지만 2013 4 특수전부대가 캅카스 지역에서  전술 훈련을 시행하지 전까지는 일관적인 부대가 형성되지 않았다러시아의 특수전부대는 전에 존재했던  혹은 민관 기관에 해당되지 않는다알파 그룹 (Alpha Group) 빔펠 (Vympel) 부대같은 기존 특수부대 (스페츠나츠Spetsnaz )들과 다르게 특수전부대 (Special Operations Force; CCO) "소수 정예부대가 아니라 최상급 인원들로 이루어진 대규모 정규부대급 단체다." 타군과 연관되지 않은 독립적인 (수뇌부 직할부대이기 때문에 SOF 타군 사령관들의 동의를 받을 필요가 없다 - 이건 러시아 특수부대가 여러 지역 분쟁에서 겪은 문제였다.



Official Russian documents define methods employed by the SOF as “reconnaissance, sabotage, subversive, counter-terrorist, counter-sabotage, counter-intelligence, guerrilla, anti-partisan and other actions” (Mil.ru, accessed March 17, 2019). Another characteristic of utmost importance is the SOF’s ability (task, if necessary) to collaborate with local military formations. Namely, in Syria, the SOF closely interacts with Hezbollah and the Syrian military—an “element that was desperately needed, but non-existent, during the Afghan war and in Chechnya” (Russkoe Agentstvo Novostey, February 28, 2019).



러시아 공식 문서에 의하면 "정찰사포타주대테러-사보타주-정보전-게릴라 "등이 SOF  특기다. SOF 또다른 중요한 특성은필요시 현지 군대나 무장단체와 협력할 능력이 있다는 것이다 - 이건 아프가니스탄과 체첸에서 러시아군이 매우 필요했지만 보유하지 못했던 능력이다.



To date, the main (known) operative theaters/missions involving Russian SOF participation include (TASS, February 27):


  • Crimea. Nicknamed “polite people,” members of the SOF arrived to the peninsula on February 27, 2014. Operating alongside the marines, airborne formations, motorized rifle troops and private military contractors, they managed to paralyze locally stationed Ukrainian armed forces and assume full control over Crimea’s strategic infrastructure/objects;


  • Anti-pirate activities (the Horn of Africa);


  • Counter-terrorist operations in the North Caucasus;


  • Rescue missions in Latakia province in Syria (the Su-24 and the Mi-8 missions);


  • Counter-terrorist/anti-insurgency operations in Syria, where the SOF (aside from direct military engagements) conducted “covert operations in the deep rear of the adversary’s forces, intelligence gathering and reconnaissance missions,” as openly admitted by Colonel General Aleksandr Dvornikov, in March 2016 (Lenta.ru March 14, 2017).




오늘날까지 알려진 SOF 참전 전투/전장


크림반도. '공손한 사람들'이라고 별명이 붙혀진 SOF 대원들은2014 2 27 크림반도에 투입됬다해군 특전대공수부대차량화 부대그리고 용병부대와 협력하여 현지 우크라이나군을 무력화 시키고 크림반도의 주요 전략시설들을 점령하였다.


아프리카 해엽에서 해적 퇴치 작전.


북부 캅카스 지역에서 대테러 작전.


시리아에서 대테러 작전. SOF 테러단체와 교전뿐만이 아니라  후방 깊숙히 침투하여 비밀 작전을 수행하였다.


As noted by Aleksey Golubev, a member of the Russian counter-insurgency operation in the North Caucasus, the SOF constitutes the best-prepared elite force Russia currently has; without it, Russian success in Syria would not have been possible (Russian.rt.com, February 27, 2019).


러시아 대테러 요원 Aleksey Golubev 의하면 SOF 러시아군의 최상급 정예부대이다그들이 없었다면 러시아군이 시리아에서 성공하지 못했을 것이라고 한다.



This said, a closer look at Russian SOF operations/activities highlights some aspects demanding closer scrutiny.


 전제하에 SOF  정밀히 파해쳐봤다.


  • The relative importance of its role: As claimed by Russian sources (and frequently reiterated by Western outlets), the SOF played the key role in the capture of Aleppo in 2016 (Tvzvezda.ru, March 1, 2017) and Palmira in 2017 (Militarycolumnist.ru, February 11, 2017). Added to the success in Crimea, this has created a truly formidable image for the Russian SOF. Indeed, Russia’s SOF did play a crucial role in certain operations, but it would be overstating the case to ascribe these successes to the activities of this structure alone. In effect, in Syria, the contribution of Russian private military contractors (PMC) was instrumental. Open sources provide ample evidence of Russian PMCs performing offensive military operations in some of the most dangerous battlefield areas. A former member of the PMC Wagner Group, who did not wish to reveal his identity, stated that, in Syria, the most arduous and risky tasks on the frontlines were performed by Russian private contractors (see EDM, November 29, 2018). His is merely one of many such accounts.




특수전부대가 맡는 임무의 중요성러시아 소식통에 의하면 (그리고 서구권 언론이 자주 되풀이하는 바로는) SOF 2016 Aleppo 탈환과 2017 Palmira 탈환에  역활을 했다고 한다크림반도에서 성공에 이어서 시리아에서의 성공은 러시아 SOF 강력한 겉모습에 기여하였다. SOF 해당 작전들에 참가한건 맡지만 전과를 SOF에게만 부여하는건 너무 과장된 행동이다사실은 러시아 용병단체 (PMC) 역활이 매우 컸다러시아 PMC들이 시리아 전장의 가장 위험한 지역들에서 공세전을 펼쳤다는 사실을 오픈 소스 (Open Source) 증명한다러시아 용병단체 바그너 그룹 (Wagner Group) 소속의 전직 용병에 의하면 자신들이 시리아 전선에서 가장 위험한 임무들을 수행하였다고 한다 외에도 수많은 설이 있다.




  • The unbeatable image and alleged superiority compared to the Special Forces of the United States: As argued by Russian military analyst Alexey Leonkov, “Americans are very eager to praise their Spetsnaz [Special Forces]. Of course, the Pentagon’s special units have everything at their disposal, but those whom they usually confront are weak and poorly trained… Hostilities in Somalia with participation of the US Spetsnaz demonstrated that technical superiority means nothing. The Americans barely escaped. We can also recall an example when the Iranian marines captured American Spetsnaz and, literally speaking, forced them on their knees” (RIA Novosti, July 7, 2018). Russian military experts tend to downplay the importance of technical superiority. But leaving the fighting qualities aside, the decimation of the Wagner Group (early 2018) in Syria has vividly demonstrated that the lack of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAV) in the Russian inventory—which Moscow is currently attempting to rectify (see EDM, February 1320, 2019)—might, in the short-to-medium term, become an insurmountable challenge for its special forces as well.




미국 특수전부대에 비해 거의 무적급으로 묘사되는 겉모습: "미국인들은 자국 특수부대를 찬송하기 좋아한다물론미군 특수부대는 그들이 원할  있는 모든걸 가지고 있지만 그들이 보통 싸우는 상대는 나약하고 훈련이 안되있다... 소말리아에서  특수부대는 겨우 살아 도망쳐 나왔고 장비가 다라는게 아니라는걸 증명하였다그리고 얼마  이란군이  해군 특수부대원들이  배를 나포했던 사건도 있었다." -  러시아 군사 전문가 Alexey Leonkov.

러시아 군사 전문가들은 보통 '장비' 중요성을 과소 평과한다하지만 최근 시리아에서 바그너 그룹이 (미군에게참패한 사건은 무인기같은 최신 장비의 필요성을 부각하였다러시아 국방부는  부족함을 채우기 위해 노력하고 있지만 최신 장비의 부재는 러시아군 특수전부대에 당분간  어려움을 줄것이다.


  • True casualty rates: The official data on the losses in Syria is presented as testimony of success. According to the government, both combat and non-combat deaths in the Syrian war total approximately 115 military men to date, with only two SOF members supposedly killed since 2016 (Rossiyskaya Gazeta, September 30, 2018; The Moscow Times, March 26, 2019). However, Russian investigative journalists from the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) believe Russia may be concealing the true number of SOF members killed in Syria, which is considered a “state secret.” One of the ways the government covers up SOF deaths is by calling those who were killed in Syria “casualties of the special anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus” (New Times, August 18, 2016). It is possible that growing casualty rates among Russian elite forces (such as the SOF) compelled Moscow to increasingly turn to private military contractors since 2017 (see Jamestown.org, July 13, 2018). Indeed, Russian PMCs are currently proliferating in other regional conflicts around the world—a trend that can be expected to only increase in the coming years.




러시아 특수전부대 사상률에 대한 진실시리아 파병 러시아군 공식 사상률을 감안하면 러시아군의 전과가 매우 성공적이라고   있다현재 전투와 비전투 사망률은  115명이고 그중 특수전부대원은  2명이다하지만  Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) 소속 러시아 탐사보도 기자들은 러시아 정부가 '국가 기밀' 간주되는 특수전부대원들의 실제 전사자 수를  왜곡한다고 믿고 있다러시아 정부가 시리아에서 전사한 특수전부대원들의 실제 수를 왜곡하는 방법은 전사자들을 "북부 캅카스 지역 대테러 작전에서 전사"했다고 하는 것이다특수전부대원들의 높은 사상률 때문에 러시아 정부가 용병단체를  적극적으로 이용하게  가능성이 있다사실대로 러시아 용병단체들이 전세계 분쟁지역에 개입하고 있고 앞으로 급증할 것으로 예상된다.





출처: https://jamestown.org/program/russian-special-operations-forces-image-versus-substance/


러시아군 특수전부대 (CCO)가 미군에 비해 첨단 장비가 매우 부족하고 시리아에서 큰 피해를 입어서 러시아 정부가 앞으로 해외 전장에서 전사률을 더 수월히 숨기기 위해 PMC에 의존할거 같다...라는 내용입니다



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좋은 글 잘 읽었습니다. 실제로 미군도 전사자 문제 때문에 이라크전에서 PMC들을 대거 활용했다고 하죠.

그리고 저도 의문이었던게 미군 특수전 부대들이 제대로 된 정규군을 상대로 기존과 같은 활약을 펼칠 수 있을까 싶기도 하고요.

마지막 문단의 "의존"이라는 단어가 의미삼장한게 단순 활용을 의미하는걸까요 아님 화웨이와 중국 공산당의 관계와 같이 러시아 국내 PMC 회사들을 실질적으로 러시아 정부가 관리하겠다는 말일까요?

Mojave 글쓴이 2019.03.30. 23:48

아마 후자일겁니다. 푸틴 측근들이 PMC와 연관있다고 들은거 같네요.

PANDA 2019.03.30. 14:13

저는 중간에 이란군이 미해군 함정을 나포한 사건과 러시아 용병과 미군이 전투했다는 사실이 경악스럽네요.. 제가 너무 뉴스를 못보고 살았는지 쇼킹한 일들이 많았군요...

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22nd 2019.03.30. 16:04

미 해군 함정이 커다란건 아니고, 연안작전용으로 6척 구매해서 운용하던 스웨덴제 CB 90 고속정이 잠깐 나포됐던 사건입니다.


배와 승무원도 금방 풀려나고 했던지라, 아는 사람들이 별로 없는 사건이죠.

댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다. 로그인

취소 댓글 등록


"님의 댓글"

이 댓글을 신고하시겠습니까?

댓글 삭제

"님의 댓글"


번호 분류 제목 글쓴이 날짜 추천 조회
공지 2023년 하반기 개편 안내 (레벨 시스템 추가) 9 Mi_Dork +1 4980
공지 밀리돔 후원 요청 (2023-06-23) 28 운영자 +13 39929
4247 뉴스
점심은평양저녁은신의주 0 438
4246 뉴스
점심은평양저녁은신의주 0 219
4245 질문
점심은평양저녁은신의주 0 954
4244 기타
만렙잉여 0 264
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지나가는행인 0 742
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데스피그 +1 1059
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돼지국밥 0 250
4240 질문
mahatma 0 1106
4239 질문
알바리움 0 415
4238 뉴스
지나가는행인 0 914
4237 질문
미키맨틀 0 728
Mojave +3 2517
4235 질문
JAQ 0 859
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qsc 0 383
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마요네즈덥밥 0 244
4232 뉴스
마요네즈덥밥 0 187
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폴라리스 0 648
4230 질문
지나가는행인 0 1413
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지나가는행인 0 239
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시에라델타 0 904

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