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[PDF] Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 2015

폴라리스 폴라리스 88 1





이 보고서는 미 의회의 2012 회계연도 국방수권법에 따라 미 국방부가 정기적으로 작성, 제출하는 자료로 미 국방부가 2016년 2월 12일 미 의회에 제출했다고 알려진 정기 북한 평가 보고서입니다.

미 국방부의 북한군 전력에 대한 분석이 담겨있는 중요한 자료입니다.



다운로드 : Military_and_Security_Developments_Involving_the_Democratic_Peoples_Republic_of_Korea_2015.PDF




보고서 제출에 대한 미 국방부 보도자료



Congress Receives DoD Report on North Korea


WASHINGTON, February 12, 2016 — The Defense Department sent Congress its 2015 report on North Korea’s military power today, Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt. Jeff Davis told reporters.

The report, “Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,” was originally mandated in 2012 to inform Congress and the public of DoD’s analytical assessment of North Korea’s activities based on continuous U.S. monitoring, according to DoD officials. The latest report does not contain North Korea’s underground nuclear bomb detonation on Jan. 6, or missile launch on Feb. 7, but Davis confirmed the detonation.  



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